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Southeast Polk Little League

‼️ATTENTION - CLEAN UP DAY ‼️We are in need of some help this Sunday (Tomorrow the 23rd) at Sam Wise with getting the fields ready.We have stuff going on next weekend and we need it up to par!Things like: moving mounds, putting trash cans out, etc. • 10am • Gary will be there to let everyone know how they can help! ... See MoreSee Less
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‼️ REMINDER ‼️ We sent out an email last week but in case you missed it.. COACHES Meeting is this Sunday 23rd!!**Please see below to update your contact info before the meeting**We will have our interleague coaches meeting Sunday, March 23rd. The meeting will be at Lutheran Church of the Cross in Altoona in the fellowship center.Not every coach from your team is required to be there, but all are welcome to attend and it sometimes helps to have as many there as you can. You do need to make sure there is at least one representative from your team. Before the meeting, please go to the following link and make sure your contact info is correct. For those coaches in SEP Little League, this info was taken from your registration, so it is possible that it belongs to your spouse or your players other parent and needs to be updated for this season. There is one tab for each division so your name and/or team should already be listed on the correct tab.This coach's meeting will accomplish the following things: 1. You will be able to meet all of the coaches you will be playing with this year before the season starts. 2. This will allow us to make sure everyone is on the same page and all coaches are getting the same information. 3. The default this year will once again be if there is a dispute between two coaches over rules and one coach attended the meeting and one did not, the ruling will automatically go in favor of the coach who attended this meeting.Please note, this is not an optional meeting. This meeting is MANDATORY for all coaches at the Tee Ball, Junior Minor, Minor, and Major levels. Role will be taken to make sure that #3 above can be enforced.Here's the schedule for the meetings:12:30 - 1:30 - Tee-ball1:45 - 2:45 - Jr Minors3:00 - 4:00 - AA (Minors) / AAA / Majors4:15 - 4:45 - 50/70, Juniors & SeniorsPlease let us know if you have any questions!!Thanks,Southeast Polk Little ... See MoreSee Less
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We have a couple updates for you! FIRST and foremost. We still need COACHES.ONE FOR RUNNELLS TEEBALL A COUPLE FOR 14UWe have had a few parents say they can step up and help other parents coach 14u so if that is possible for you please let us know. 📍 If we don't get these coaches the Runnells Teeball team will be moved to other teams outside of the Runnells locations. 📍 If we don't get coaches for 14u there wont be a season since we don't have enough coaches. Also: - Rosters are sent out and complete. The one you received today is the final roster.- Coaches please reach out to your players as soon as you can. - Parents if you haven't heard from them by this Friday email us at and we can get you their contact info. ... See MoreSee Less
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Quick update for all age groups; Seniors - You should have heard from coaches by now, schedule will be out soon. Plan is to start the week of March 31stJuniors - working on teams today. You should know soon. Intermediate 50/70 - WE NEED COACHES! We have no coaches for this age group right now. AA/AAA/Majors - Drafts are done, we're finalizing team assignments and cleaning up some small issues. Team emails hopefully going out today. Jr Minors and Tee-Ball - We're getting the last few coaches lined up and finishing up teams, our goal is to have these out by the end of the week. Once we have teams set we can start working on schedules for everything. Thanks for all your patience, and if you're interested in helping out with any of this don't hesitate to reach out! ... See MoreSee Less
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Please don't forget.. Tomorrow is the last day of evaluations! ⚾️⚾️‼️ ATTENTION 9u-12u & INTERMEDIATE Divisions ‼️Evaluations are THIS Saturday!• if your player is 9u-12u & missed last weekend’s evaluations you need to be there March 1st. • if your player is Intermediate they need to be at evaluations March 1st. ❗️players must attend evaluations in order to be drafted. Location ➡️ Webb Gym Batting Cages100 Lincoln St NEBondurant, IA Please let us know if you have any questions about this weekend! ⚾️ ... See MoreSee Less
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